I spent more than a dozen years as editor (three of those as publisher) of The Jewish Sound, formerly known as JTNews, formerly known as the Jewish Transcript.

In that job I:

  • Set the editorial vision of the publication, both in print and online.
  • Served as chief decision maker for all of the publication’s content, then acted on turning those ideas into published content.
  • Reported and wrote multiple articles, and edited nearly all of the publication’s content.
  • Simultaneously published multiple web products and auxiliary print resource guides.
  • Represented the publication to our community and board of directors.
  • Continually sought to grow the business financially and product-wise.
  • Had an amazing experience acting as the thread that tied a community together.

These sample articles represent the more recent of the hundreds I produced during my tenure (all in PDF format).

For the Flip the Media site: